Ziggy GoatArt Commissions
Welcome. I am Mr. Ziggy Goat, an artist of characters and creator of character designs! Let's see if we can bring your ideas to life, shall we? Once you are comfortable with the commission details, you may send me an email regarding your commission details! Please include exactly what style and cut of commission you want, the character(s) you want included, references, and your paypal email. I only use paypal for payment, so which ever email you would like me to send the invoice to is appreciated. I have explicit rights to deny a commission at any point as well as the right to display commissioned art on social media posts with full credentials given to the client in the post. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail!

Additional rules
>No Background +$0
>Simple Background +$15
>Complex Background +$35
>Complex Background with "The >Works" +$60
Additional Characters
>Bust +$15
>Half Shot +25
>Fullbody +$45
NSFW (+18)
NSFW commissions do cost extra. Consider it the "Decency Tax".
>Semi Nude +$25
>Full Nude +$45
>Sexual Intercourse +$65
Because NSFW commissions aren't something I'm really able to show on my main SFW accounts, clients are able to request their NSFW art to be withheld from being displayed on social media accounts. Additionally, I'm rather reserved when it comes to making such art so please do keep that in mind when you are putting in a NSFW commission request.
I reserve the right to deny NSFW commissions if I do not feel comfortable making the art you are requesting.